Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Much Ado About Cake - Special Scenario for Oldhammer In The North starring the Zombies of Karr-Keel from Upstream Games House

So for the Oldhammer in the North event  - May 13th and 14th at Pandemonium Games!

Sorry for the rough image - i was at work and could only use microsoft paint.
I'll be running a special event. It stars our lovable little Zombies of Karr-Keel. Obviously, Brian Kirkell and his sister in law Laura (the artist) have come up with some incredible ideas and images that Kev Adams turned into some incredible new figures. Everything about this special birthday present (yep, that is right, this all started as Brian;s big 40 celebration! - So thanks to his wife Sarah as well!) You can find out all about them at the Facebook group that Brian started here.

And I think I showed this earlier, but it is fantastic - So Andrew Dyer's version of them painted here.

I was taken with the stories that Brian created for each miniature - just a project done right. So I told him I had an idea for creating an old-school scenario for them specifically. I'm going to get it all done as a pdf and release it shortly after the event. Think old school box scenario Terror of the Lichemaster or Blood at Orc's Drift.

Brian had done lots of the preliminary work on all the zombies, so I've been working on heroes and buildings (drawn card buildings like the old ones!). But for an event like Oldhammer Midwest I wanted to open it up so everyone could play what they liked. So I have created the following rules for the players to create a "party" of adventurers to have fun with the zombies on the day.

Basically they get to pick their race and the hero levels they want to pursue. And then they get to roll on random tables for add-on retinue (all basic stats for the attendants - so human basic stats for everyone human, Orc basic trooper stats for orcs, etc.). This should give us the mix we are looking for in the scenario at the event. I've included pdfs here and on the Oldhammer in the New World facebook group page.

Then once we get the event done, and I get the images all scanned in, I will publish out the scenario box here. I want to thank Brian so much for the inspiration and all of the hard work on the zombies themselves. Thanks to his sister in law Laura for the artwork, bringing an amazing thing to life. I hope he enjoys it when I send it to him.

And for those not watching - (Hey, git, Who are you?) - here is some amazing shots of the next set of the Zombies. My wallet is already crying.....

Just look at that horse! Love that!

Also, here is some other painted figures by people who already got the first set!

By Lissane Lake - taken from Facebook page.

By Lissane Lake - taken from Facebook page.

Jack and Daw posted with Marauder Wight by Michael Cassidy from Facebook page.

Thursday, March 30, 2017



Oldhammer In The
We are finally going to have an event in the ‘New World’ Midwest!
Pandemonium Games in Garden City Michigan
May 13th and 14th
They are open 10 o’clock of the morning until midnight on Saturday
They are open Noon until 8 o’clock on Sundays.
Scenarios for WFB 3rd, Open gaming, Adeptus Titanticus, Dark Future
If you remember it from you childhood, bring it and play!
Those interested in running games please PM Blake on Facebook.

Save the date, tell your friends, you won’t want to miss this!

The great guys at Pandemonium Games have agreed to host an Oldhammer Weekend in their store. Its in Garden City Michigan. (map)

If you have not been to Pando before, you are in for a treat! You can find tons of games and large gaming area, and even hard to find products at times. Their website has a lot of details here.

But we are talking about Oldhammer! All weekend, and tons of fun.

I'm bringing Dark Elves (3rd ed), Adeptus Titanticus, my Dark Future, And a Oldhammer History selection from my museum to display.

The Zombies of Karr-Keel Special Scenario!

I'm also running a WFB 3rd Ed scenario based on Brian Kirkell's excellent (and wife's generous birthday gift) Zombies of Karr-Keel. For this everyone will pit their warband against all other players, as we investigate the secrets, mysteries and terror that is Karr-Keel! I plan on this Saturday evening, so hopefully lots can already have some games in. I'm also going to have a limited amount of these great figures with me for you to pick up - especially if you missed your chance! 

(Also check here for painted versions by Andrew Dyer and follow this blog!)

We will also have a painting competition with three categories - single figure, large figure and best 80s/90s paintjob (has to be original paint job on old model). Come and enter your masterpiece, or see everyone's efforts!

We already have a bunch of people signed up to come, with another bunch that are hoping to make it as well. We may even have the 2nd-4th edition 40k father of Genestealer Cults. More on this if his schedule will allow.

Go to the event page on facebook, sign up, and get yourself there. Let us know if you want to run a game, are bringing your army to take on all challengers, or just stopping by to check it all out.

Currently working on artwork and hope to have t-shirts if we can! More details to follow.

I have not been posting a lot, and work and health have killed a ton of time. But remember, I started this whole thing because I wanted a cool event with like-minded Oldhammerer's and a great time. The first several have been a huge sucess, and tons of fun, but out east, and I am unable to get to them all. So here is one for our Midwest gang. Hope to see anyone who's interested in cool models, great FUN games, talking about old school history, or that game of yore you still remember. 

So come on and make it!