Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Oldhammer Day - Space Hulk 3d Table - Sargent Builds It!

Well, here is a little more information about one of our events that will be happening at Oldhammer Days USA on Oct. 24-26th in Glen Burnie, Md. Which means we are roughly two months away! Lots of stuff going on, of course, but I got some cool photos from Don on his new Space Hulk 3d board that he is creating. This is one of the things I am looking forward to playing myself, as it was one of my favorite games when it came out. But here you go:

Don's awesome workspace! I'd love to have that much room for just building stuff!

The molds that Don is using.

Taking the molded parts and making them match the tiles from the game.
After a bit, its starting to grow - check out the doors!
What it starts to look like on the table......this is what I am waiting to play on!
Some of the WIP genestealers shot.
One of the Squads of Terminators - Deathwing! - and may you never roll jams!

So that is just one more thing that will be happening at the Oldhammer Days, and thanks to Don for doing this project as well as sending me the pics! What do you guys think? Is this going to be fun, or what? And what are your memories of Space Hulk? It was first released in May 1989, which means I was still a teenager (Junior year of school). I was already into GW at the time, so it was a must for me, and I loved it. I have no real scientific evidence, but except for friends, I believe Heroquest and Space Hulk were the two largest things that got people into playing with GW figs. They released the second edition and it was just not as good due to the rules changes, which was finally corrected when they released the incredible 3rd edition in 2009, with the old rules! I have 2 1st edition, 3 3rd edition, and a bunch of 2nd (at least 4 or 5), so yes, I enjoyed this game. It was also the first game I played with the step-boys to introduce them to actually playing with all of my toy soldiers ;)

Is anyone else getting excited? I keep hearing about new people that might show up all the time! So remember, in two months, you could be throwing some dice, old school! Hope to see you there!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Rusty's Corner: Hobby Update - Warband and Spined Dragon!

I already showed off the warband, but wanted people to be able to find it as done by Rusty! Here is his warband:

And I know Rusty put up some of these photos on the FB group, but here is some cool looks of his Spined Dragon (and not shown on facebook, even a glimpse of Kegox!)

Don't you just hate him ;) Not to mention that huge score he just had of Oldhammer blisters, unopened! He's been working on the terrain as well, and hopefully we'll have an update just before we are all getting ready to leave for the big Weekend!

If you haven't yet, start up a blog, or just send me pics of your force that you are planning on taking to Oldhammer USA! Hoping to have another update soon!

How things grow, reunions, and some more from Rusty!

Well, think I have collected a ton of the BOYL pics, and am amazed at all the goodness, including those incredible metal Fortress and wall bits that Bryan Ansell brought out! And then they had to tease us with the painting wizards that were given away! But we have some great things going on for the Oldhammer USA day as well, and I'm just waiting to hear back from a few people to announce a ton of stuff. And I should have some pictures, and things for those who can not make it to this side of the pond...see we like to share ;)

But I have been quiet because while I was making the initial preparations for Oldhammer USA in Oct, my better half got a bug, and decided to host a reunion for her old gymnastics club. Now, I'm an old hand at sports, having played since I was 3 (soccer, or football to you non-americans) and through high school and into university (basketball). I also played rec leagues for years afterward. But my other half was an incredible Elite gymnast (think Olympic level). Her team (which was developed out of the club) won a state championship when we were in high school together (not to date her too much but - 1990!). She also went on to be on the national tumbling team, competing in Europe and Texas. So before I get into it, you have to understand that these girls were at least obsessed by gymnastics as we ever have been about gaming (before you disagree, realize they practiced 4-6 hours a day for years!). Basically, all the hard work they never show in those cool movies....

So they got together after 24 years, with most not seeing each other since then! They have gone on to be successful members of society (doctors, engineers, teachers, dentists, etc.) and lots of them have kids. It was a great weekend, and was incredibly good for all of them (they are already planning the next one).

So what do we care about (as I put it at the restaurant afterwards to embarrass her a bit) a bunch of "Old Chicks Who Used to Do Tricks"? Simple, the planning for this thing was mainly done by my girl, but could not have happened without a bunch of people lending a hand, time, or something. Same thing for our events. Looks like James initial run last year of Warbands, led to Erny and the gang doing an incredible Siege game there this year. I'm being joined by Rusty, Andy, and even Orclord from Stuff of Legends to get events run and games done - and even more! It is awesome, and I am just so excited to see it all. I even have a small update from Rusty....so expect to see this crew at Warbands time!

Rusty is almost done with these guys, shields and a bit more for the bases, and then they will be ready to take you on!

And speaking of guys who are helping, Vongamer is one of those running a Rogue Trader event. He recently put this up on the forums:

Greets All:
Just an update for the Rogue Trader 40K Game I'm planning on offering, and a bit about the journey to get there. I plan on a 4'x6' table, which I'll supply from my modular terrain. Pretty much an urban ruins fought over many times. My intention, for at least the first clash, is to provide all the miniatures,terrain,play aids,dice etc.

Mostly an infantry type encounter. Each force - ranging from 10 to about 20 figures - starts the game with a NEGATIVE points value - as I calculate from the RT book. So far I intend to offer various Space Marine Chapters, Pirates, Imperial Guard, Squats,a Genestealer Coven, Eldar Pirates, Chaos Marines,Orks...you get the picture. I can support as many players as wish to play.

As I am "tweaking" the individual profiles to make most figures unique in some way, including equipment (rad counters anyone?) forces will vary in original strength and capabilities. Thus the negative value. A stronger force will have to play more aggressively to gain victory. Each "kill" awards the winning force Victory Points based on the value of the defeated foe, double if eliminated in Close Combat. These points then reduce that negative starting value, shifting scores into positive territory as the game turns progress.

Additionally, players may opt to take on unique "missions" with points awarded for completion - less the longer it takes, or a penalty for failure. (Imperial Headquarters rewards success).
The table itself will also have GM controlled hazards and benefits. You can make/bust deals between players almost anytime. Victory judged at intermittent times during play.

I'm also thinking of introducing some "non-GW" forces for variety (I have a healthy collection of classic Dr. Who minis for example). I used this system at conventions etc in the past. I believe it works well. Walk ons can join without skewing the game. With lower forces it does allow picking up the game concepts easily. The profile sheets will also have the weapons capabilities listed as well. Not much "page flipping" that way. I do like a fast paced game so push decision making. Turn sequence (which player when) is random so no two turns are the same.

After this first game, I expect players to roll out the forces they brought, unless they just need a loaner force.

Some rules I'm using from the early publications:
1- Space Marines in Power Armor get a +1 bonus to hit in CC. Compilation Pg 27.
2- Various armor does slow movement.
3- Squads can start small or large as the player wishes.
4- Not all squad members must do the same thing - some can shoot, some can engage in CC. Just maintain coherency.

I've also found: Psychers - VERY expensive points wise. Equally VERY deadly.

I'll try to post some pictures soon of some of whats in store.
Hope this sounded interesting and fun.


Lucky him, hes about 10 minutes from Dropzone, and is also looking for someone to try it out before Oldhammer Day; so drop him a note on the forums. Unfortunately I think it is about a 15 hour drive for some of us (maybe 16 to 17 if I take the girls ;( ) But I do plan on bringing some old Imperials and some Marines that I have in old chessex boxes (and I don't think they have seen a lick of paint since 1987-88!)

So big thanks to everyone giving a big hand in getting this thing off the ground. It will be a success I am sure, in spite of my planning, and due to all the hard work everyone is putting in, not to mention those incredible figs I expect to see there! Now my two weeks of reunion mess (and the clean up) are over, and I can make the final push for Oldhammer Day! Lots of painting still to do, but I'm sure that is the same for all of us. More to come soon!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hobby Update: Rugluds see some color - finally!

Even though I have not been posting a lot, I have made some more progress on the hobby. Time has been short, as my other, better half has now lost two Aunts in a month. Basically funerals suck, even if they are more celebrations, and make you realize the important things. But here are some pics of my beastman, sans bases. So my warband is nearing completion as soon as some tufts arrive in the post! I also have to do the banners. Did anyone else see James's at the BOYL? Maybe not that large, but mine are going to have to be pretty special!

So are you guys ready to take this on?

Much earlier in my blog I showed some WIP shots of my Ruglud's unit. I'm painting them up for use with a large Orc and Goblin force that I plan on using at the Oldhammer event. Way too much work to do, and only two months or so. But at the time I was unhappy with how they were tunring out. So I got some advice from Andy Craig on the skin tone to make my orcs look old school. Large part is Windor & Newton Green Apple ink. Now, my skills are not anywhere close to 'Eavy Metal painters, but I am pretty happy with the tone of the skin. Even if some of my brush work is a bit overhanded or sloppy, this gives me a great point for my Orc flesh! What do you guys think?

Of course, these shots are all WIP, I still need to base them, I need to paint shields and their crossbows, but they are all headed in the right direction, I think. Also, on the facebook group, Omar has shown off his. Anyone else have shots of their Ruglud's? Yes, mine are not finished, but I am getting there, and 35 down.....look below for some of what I have to go!

Here is a shot of another old model, with the tone of the old method, not sure on these pics, but they look a lot better in person then this one.....

Of course, every step forward leads to steps back! while I was working on my Ruglud's I assembled a whole lot of my old Orcs and Goblins. I am building a proper Oldhammer army for my game in Oct, and I already am lucky enough to own tons of remarkable Kev Adams and other GW models. But know I'm having to make them match my new skin tone and Ruglud's and I have a lot of these with a horrible white primer. So into the Simple Green pot a lot of them went.

Here is what one batch got me at the end of the day.

And here is some of the units laid out for the army....lots of painting to do, but I am really excited to have a newly painted Oldhammer force. One other note, I have a bunch of old Grenadier Orcs and Gobbo wolf riders (by Nick Lund) and some other stuff that may also be there. And I have lead belchers, rock lobbers, bolt thrower, man manglers and more in another box. So it should be pretty cool when it is all done!

BOYL Envy, Sadness, and more info on Oldhammer Day

Well, if you are anything like me, you are suffering from an amazing amount of shock at the news of Robin Williams death. I know many of us have long enjoyed his run through our popular culture as a comedian, actor and his incredible genius. I've always thought we had a bit more of a connection because Robin Williams collected and played Warhammer. A friend of mine was a LA manager of a GW where he would bring in his son (I think he bought Empire for him), he had Eldar. Rumors of games between him and Billy Crystal used to abound in the gaming community. My friend did actually play him in a couple of games of 40k. He said Robin made incredible noises and "talked" as the minis. Just as I would imagine him playing if he did. Andy Chambers also shared the story that he called up GW mail order back in the 90s and talked as "Papa Nurgle". One of the mail order guys who packed one of his orders remembers it for being a) his and b) "very large". So we have lost an incredibly bright light for all of us (though tremendously in shadow himself), and more for all of us, a fellow gamer.

One of many shots of Mr. Williams in a gaming store.

Also, if you are like me, I have now collected hundreds of photos from the incredible BOYL event recently held at Foundry! Just looked incredible, and great to see pics of Kev, his greens, the games, the minis, and everything! Of course, the reason I started doing this little blog was because I wanted an event like this in the USA - and we are having ours soon!

So, now that the event in the UK is over, I'll let you know that we are going to have the special figure from Kev and Bryan! We also have a lot of games now set up, including Warbands, WFB, Rogue Trader, Siege. And of course the painting competition for Golden Gobbo USA. So tons of stuff to do! We are also looking at having a special template created for our event, a 3rd edition Stone Thrower template. More info on this right after Gen Con! And yes, the plan is to make them available to those who want them, though you will have to cover cost and shipping! And thanks, Zhu!
Of course, I'm already planning or running a lot of things, and I know several of you are just bringing third edition armies to play games with (Awesome!) but I am wondering if anyone want to volunteer to run an Epic game, or anything else. Now that we have seen what BOYL put on, I'd like to make our first year awesome. We may not hit that high of a bar (kinda hard without Kev and Bryan of course), but I'd like to see it get as big as it can!

Also, I think Don started the ball rolling for rooms at the Days Inn. They even have some meeting rooms that we may be able to book and/or use as guests for late night gaming, trading, chilling, or drinking! Not to mention a lobby to meet up and arrange rides to from the event and restaurants! You can find the hotel here.

Drop me a line or message me on facebook (Blake Shrode in the Oldhammer group) if you would like to run something or have any cool ideas!

On an unrelated note, can you believe the owner of this Maseratti was booked for impersonating an officer?  I just bet the officer was jealous...;)

So basically, well done UK! RIP Robin! And I just can't wait for October!